The Unwanteds Wiki
This article contains heavy discussion of plot details from the newest Unwanteds Quests books. You are at risk of major spoilers if you haven't read up to the newest installment in the series. Be careful!

Marcus Today is the creator of Artimé, the twin brother of the former High Priest Justine, and father to Claire Morning. He is from Warbler Island. He and Justine started to plan Quill when they were fourteen. He also removed the memories of their magical powers from the first people of Quill. They were returned in The Island of Silence.


Soon after Marcus and Justine robbed the memories of the mages, Justine became High Priest. Marcus and Justine decided on Unwanteds and Wanteds and Neccesaries. Marcus put all the Unwanteds outside the Walls of Quill under a sleeping spell. This led up until his daughter, Claire Morning, was announced an Unwanted. He then proceeded to create Artimé for her, along with Simber and others.

Mr. Today's Identity

Mr. Today is the founder of Artimé. He is an old mage whom Artimé would crumble without. He created the mansion in which all of the Unwanteds secretly live, with animated statues, platyprots, beavopps, a winged turtle named Jim, and other mythical creatures. He saves the Unwanteds, who have always been told they are condemned to die, and teaches them magic and gives them a place to live safely and practice their arts of expertise, after his daughter Claire Morning was declared Unwanted. He is described as an old man with electrocuted-looking white hair, and robes. Mr. Today's real name is Marcus Today, and he is the evil High Priest Justine's twin.

Mr. Today's Death

In The Unwanteds: Island of Silence, Mr. Today is going through his tube to visit High Priest Haluki and is surprised to find Aaron standing in Haluki's house, in which Aaron had been living in for a while. Mr. Today and Aaron are both surprised to see one another. Mr. Today draws a pen and uses a highlighter spell to blind Aaron, but Aaron takes five heart attack spells and fires them at Mr. Today. Before Mr. Today dies, he sends one last message to Alex. Aaron and his accomplices captured Claire Morning, who came through the tube with Mr. Today.
